“Masne fote” je društvena igra, zabavnog karaktera koja zahteva više igrača.
Aplikacija sadrži tri nivoa –Masne fote, Masnije fote i Mix fote i ne preporučujemo
je osobama ispod 18 godina. Cilj igre je obavljanje različitih zadataka, čija je svrha
isključivo razonoda.
Pored naše velike baze, opcija „dodaj fotu“ Vam omogućava da smislite i dodate
svoje zadatke, koje kasnije možete i obrisati.
Pravila igre: Telefon se postavlja u centar između igrača, prevlačenjem preko
ekrana flaša se zavrti i igrač na kome se flaša zaustavi treba da uradi zadatak koji
se pojavi na ekranu. Nakon izvršenog zadatka ta osoba vrti flašu i tako u krug. U
slučaju da neko ne želi da ispuni određeni zadatak određuje se kazna ili drugi
zadatak koji osoba mora odraditi (npr.da popije gutljaj nekog alkoholnog pića).
Zadatke koji se nalaze u bazi možete i ugasiti.
Ova igra je napravljena isključivo za zabavu i nije namenjena nikoga da uvredi.
A sada se usudi i... ZAVRTI FLAŠU!
"Kissing games" is a social game, jovial character, which requires more players.
The application contains three levels -fatty Fotele, Alligator Fotele and Mix Fotele and should not
to persons under 18 years of age. The aim of the game is to perform a variety of tasks, whose purpose is to
exclusive pastime.
In addition to our large database, the "add fotu" allows you to come up and add
their tasks, which you can later and delete.
Rules of the game: The phone is placed in the center between the players, dragging over
Screen bottle is rotated and the player to whom the bottle stops need to do a task that
appears on the screen. After performing a task that person spins the bottle and so on. The
the event that someone does not want to fulfill a specific task determines the sentence or other
a task that a person needs to do (npr.da took a sip of an alcoholic beverage).
Tasks that are stored in the database and can extinguish.
This game is made purely for entertainment and is not intended to offend anyone.
And now dares ... and spin the bottle!